KC in the paper
Today in the links below I am sharing a story about me that I kept a secret for many years.
I do this to highlight that we all have so many facets to who we are.
I have experienced many different loss events throughout my life.
As we all have. We really do not know what people are going through.
Are they suffering in silence?This is WHY, I am so driven to assist anyone who is grieving, to move beyond any kind of loss.
I share my first-hand experience of being a teenage-mother and giving up my daughter for adoption.
It is filled with trauma, shame, and judgment.Though there comes a time in most people’s lives where we say, “This is me.
Like me or not. This experience shaped me into being the person I am today.”
Please enjoy another aspect of me as I chat with Maria Tomas-Keegan on her amazing show “Tips for the Transition”
If even one tidbit from this episode hits a nerve or speaks to your heart, please take a quick second to RATE THE SHOW using the star-rating below the video.
Then SHARE IT, so we can extend our reach to more women, and let them know they are not alone.
#beyondloss #loveyourlife #giftofloss