Today’s video is the second of five videos where I will discuss The 5 Regrets of the Dying.
This book was written by Bronnie Ware, an Australian Palliative care nurse, who for many years interviewed her patients, asking them what their #1 life’s regret was.
Today we will discuss the 4th regret ~ “I wish I had stayed in contact with my friends.”
Will this be one of your regrets?
Most of us realise that people come into our lives, for a reason, a season or a lifetime, though many times we lose contact with friends that we really loved.
Make today the day that you reach out to them. Catch up on what’s happening in their life.
Share some more fun and memorable times with them.
Another great little tip is to schedule friends catch up time, each and every week. Then you will make sure that the 4th Regret of the Dying will never become one of your regrets!
For more easy to introduce live changing tips, download your free pdf copy of the book Live Love By Design, now https://livelovebydesign.com
Enjoy this video and remember that you can download a free pdf copy of the Live Love By Design book by visiting.
With Love and Gratitude
Karen Chaston