About admin
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that admin contributed 7 entries already.
Entries by admin
Let’s Get Sirius
Today, Karen shares why she and Andrew, her husband bought their male spoodle in June 2012 and why they called him Sirius.
How to Easily Improve Your Intimate Relationships
Would you like to take your intimate relationship to the next level? In this video Karen shares how you can easily go to the next level in your intimate relationships. Your Live Love Relationships. Reach out to Karen if you’d like her to assist you in designing your Live Love Life.
Create Balance in your Life
Would You Like to Create Balance in Your Life? In this video Karen shares how you can move beyond the “Total BS” that you can not live a balanced life. Reach out to Karen if you’d like her to assist you in designing your Live Love Life.
Grounding Yourself
Do you ever take the time to Ground Yourself? Karen shares her morning walk to Forty Baskets (Northern Beaches, Sydney Australia) by herself, where she decided to ground herself whilst meditating.
Affirmation by Savage Garden
In this video Karen discuss the song, “Affirmation” from Australian group Savage Garden. The beliefs mentioned in the song are very thought provoking. If you have never listened to the song, do yourself a favour and search it here on Youtube.
Get Rid of Brain Fog
In this video, Karen shares 8 easy to implement Live Love Gems that will assist you to get rid of the brain fog and improve your mental clarity. With Clarity you can easily design your Live Love Life.
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